The one band I never got the chance to see was Backstreet Boys. The few times I remember them being in town, there was always something else going on or I didn't get tickets in time. (Remember, this is before things like Craigslist were big so you had a harder time trying to find tickets.) So last year, they magically had a concert close by and my husband found a deal on Groupon for some tickets. We figured it would be a chance to have a date night away from the munchkins for a few hours, and help me accomplish a long awaited goal of mine. We had it all set up so that my mother in law would come to our place and watch the kids while we went to the show. Knowing that Ben would probably still want breastmilk, I pumped a bunch into a bottle and figured that we would be okay. He was still in a stage where he spent most of the time sleeping so I was hopeful that everything would go smoothly. Let me tell you, when i'm wrong...I'm reallllly wrong.
Ben decided that this specific day he no longer wanted anything to do with a nap, and absolutely positively refused to take a bottle. Being a breastfed baby, he knows what he likes and he does NOT like bottles. We had been gone for about 2 1/2 hours and he had spent most of the time crying and refusing to sleep. My MIL desperately tried to calm him down but it just wasn't happening. So right before BSB were even about to come on we received the text saying "I think you need to come home." As a mom, your children always come first. But I can't lie. I was very disappointed. We had been wanting a date night and this one had really been cut short. So we left immediately and headed home. Luckily as soon as Ben saw me he completely cheered up. And as soon as he was fed, he fell asleep immediately. So my BSB dreams got put on hold.
Fast forward to a year later and I got a magical phone call from my sister saying, "What are you doing May 25th? Because I won front row tickets for Backstreet and you need to go with me." Now this definitely made up for my last experience. I worked it out with my amazing husband who agreed to take care of the kids for the evening while I went with my sister...bless his heart.
When we got to the amphitheater the line was ridiculously long, but we honestly didn't care because we knew how awesome it was going to be once we got inside. I really wish that I had taken more photos (and brought my dslr for that matter) but i'm so happy and grateful for the photos that I did take. My sister and I had such an awesome time that night and our mom's night out was a success. While I do love being a mom, it's nice every once in a while to get a break and just enjoy being around other adults. And spending some quality time with your sister and enjoying live music is a wonderful thing.
(Brian from BSB has a son who opens their shows for them. He came out and sang two different songs and has some good vocals, just like his daddy.)
(Avril Lavigne was the other opening act, and she did all of her hit songs and then some. We also had one crazy guy near us who was mildly obsessed with her and kept professing his love for her. It was quite entertaining.)
(Me and my sister, and Avril singing)
(Some of my favorite boys)
(Just to give you an idea of exactly how close front row was for us. So amazing!)
(Brian and AJ)
(One of my favorite pictures of the night)
(And obviously, my FAVORITE picture from the night. I love me some Nick Carter)

What what and top five on Beccas list is nick carter ;)