Now that we are in the final trimester of this pregnancy, I feel like I am getting bigger by the second. The funny thing is, I haven't actually gained that much weight yet I feel like I look ginormous. As of today we are officially 29 weeks in, but this last bump picture was taken a week ago. As of now we still don't have a set date yet for the c-section but I have a doctor appointment this Wednesday so I am going to ask about it then. I will be really surprised if I actually make it that far. Little man is sitting very, very low and I constantly feel like he is trying to make his escape. I've had a few moments where I felt like I might be experiencing contractions but after relaxing for a bit the feeling goes away. Let's just hope he stays in as long as he needs to!
How far along? 29 weeks (in this photo 28 weeks.)
Total weight gain: 13 pounds. My doctor said I should gain somewhere between 25 and 35, so we will see where I actually end up.Maternity clothes? Nope. Still normal clothes. Leggings are my favorite thing in the world.
Stretch marks? None! At least not that I have seen anyways.
Sleep: A bit uncomfortable. Sometimes I like to sleep on my stomach and that isn't really an option at this point.
Best moment this week: Spending time together as a family of three while the husband had a few days off. Not too much longer now that little man will be here and we will be getting used to being a family of 4!
Miss Anything? Still having a lack of energy/motivation to get things done. And honestly, a margarita sounds absolutely amazing. One day... (for the record, I hardly drink. But every once in a while a good margarita or pina colada sounds wonderful.)
Movement: Little man is constantly on the move. It's funny to watch my stomach move and see Amelia's reaction to him.
Food cravings: This week it has been burritos. Not sure why though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Riding in the car when anyone else is driving is still a bit of a problem, but luckily it's getting better.
Gender: Baby boy =)
Labor Signs: Nope. I am curious as to if they will happen early though.
Symptoms: Just the normal stuff. Tired a lot, super hungry.
Belly Button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy with a few moments of grumpiness.
Looking forward to: The next 10 weeks to go by so we can meet the little guy. I have a feeling that it is going to fly by. The husband is trying to get as much work in as possible while he can, we have our baby shower date set for the beginning of April, and I'm trying to make a to do list of EVERYTHING I need to get done before his arrival.
28 weeks
And since my little bug loves being in front of the camera...
I'll bring the piña coladas to the room.
ReplyDeleteYou look great!!