School is over at the end of May, and because I only need one more class in order to get my AA degree I am actually going to be walking at graduation with my class. I'm actually looking forward to it quite a bit and seeing what the future holds for me after leaving this school. I'm still looking into transferring but that is still up for debate. I guess it all depends on if I find a job first.
The next few months are going to be ridiculously busy and I honestly cannot wait! This weekend we are going to a BBQ for a friend of mine, and even though she has no idea there is quite a big surprise waiting for her ;)
The following weekend I will be helping and attending my best friend's baby shower to help with the arrival of her baby boy Kayden. I can't believe how fast his due date seems to be coming up and I'm anxious to meet the little guy...probably not as anxious as her and her husband! I will post tons of pictures of both the shower and the BBQ because they are both going to be tons of fun.
My cute pregnant best friend on the left and myself =)
Other things in store for us the next few months:
My graduation.

A lovely helicopter ride above San Francisco that my husband got me as a gift for Christmas. (I should note that he did not actually BUY me a helicopter but he got us passes for a flight and a lunch special. A helicopter would be awesome but we already have no space at our house, so keeping it would be a bit of a problem.)

Chicago trip!
My aunt and uncle live close to Chicago and are being oh so wonderful and letting us stay with them for a week. We already have some flight credit towards Southwest so we wont have to pay that much more for the trip. And we get to stay for free! I'm so excited it's crazy. I have hardly been out of state and am very travel deprived. Hopefully this is the start of many more adventures!

On another fun note, we did do a spontaneous trip down to San Diego this past weekend. My sister in law lives there and it's kind of hard for her to travel up this way because she is busy with work and school and whatnot. So since the husband didn't have any jobs planned, we thought why the heck not? We left Friday night at almost midnight and stayed there the next two nights.
Family time at the San Diego Zoo
Someone wasn't a happy camper!
Phil's BBQ. A definite must if you are ever in the area. The line is always CRAZY long. Luckily we were smart and called in our order ahead of time so we were able to walk right in and grab our food.
Chillen with the peeps of Sesame Street
Hi, friend!
My other half
Storage Wars! On the way back up we made a pit stop at Now & Then Thrift which happens to be the store owned by Jarrod and Brandi on the show Storage Wars. I was hoping to get a chance to meet them but they were in Long Beach for the day. Boo. I did however buy a tshirt that I have every intention of getting signed on the next trip down.
Museum of Death in Hollywood was also a must for us to stop at, and is also one of the things on my long bucket list that I can finally check off! (At some point I will post the entire bucket list along with which ones I have actually accomplished.) If you can handle blood and gore then this place is a really cool place to visit. There are so many unique and one of a kind things to look at, and it is definitely one of the most interesting yet creepiest places I have ever been to. Certain areas are dedicated to specific people or events such as Charles Manson and the Black Dahlia. Other rooms have artwork done by serial killers and items that have been in funeral homes. I would totally go back again just because I am so sure that I missed a bunch of things.
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! It's going to feel SO great to finally be done. I hope you have plans to celebrate!