I have been hearing a lot lately about a documentary called "Dear Zachary" and how it is a must see film that everyone needs to see. Luckily for me it is on Netflix so when I had some free time yesterday the husband and I saw down and watched it.

I have never had a movie take me to such an emotional state as this one did. Maybe because it's a true story? Maybe because of everything the movie entails? Everything about the film just hit me. Without going in to too much detail and giving away anything about the film, one thing you find out early on is that a guy is filming this documentary to give to a boy named Zachary to tell him about the life of Zachary's father who had been murdered. He interviewed family, friends, classmates...anyone he could get in touch with who had known Zachary's father, Andrew Bagby. The filmmaker himself was one of Andrew's childhood friends and it was absolutely amazing to hear what everyone had to say about him. Not one bad word was spoken and you could tell that Andrew had touched so many people's lives. It was unbelievable. I can only hope that one day when I am gone that a quarter of the people that talked about Andrew have nice things to say about me.
If you are going to watch this film I have a few pieces of advice for you:
1. Make sure you have tissues nearby
2. Do not google anything about the film or Andrew Bagby. You really just need to watch the film to understand.
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