
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Three legitimate fears

Day two of the challenge and it's Valentines Day! The husband is at work today so I have been spending quality time with the munchkin. Unfortunately, we spent a good portion of the morning doing my two hour glucose test which is never fun. When I took it with Amelia the test only took an hour and you were done. I guess the one hour tests don't always give the best results, so they have found that it's better to draw blood once in the beginning, have you drink the yucky drink, take blood in an hour, and then an hour after that. Not too much fun but at least it is over with. Munchkin was a trooper and just hung out with me and played with some toys. We are almost to week 28 of the pregnancy so that means we have roughly 11 more weeks to go! It seems like it is going by pretty fast, but I am still anxious for little man to be here already.

When thinking about today's question, I had to really think about things that legitimately scare me and it wasn't as easy as I thought. Now, I'm not a tough cookie all the time by any means. But I feel like I can handle most things. Scary movies are usually not that scary and I constantly watch shows and documentaries about murder, crime, blood, etc... None of that gets me at all. So coming up with three different things was a bit of a challenge.

Day two: Three legitimate fears

1. Deep water. I mentioned this on day one but this would have to be my biggest one. I don't know if I had a really bad experience as a child or something, but ever since I can remember I have been terrified of deep water. Baths and pools are no problem, and I will go in the ocean. But as far as going scuba diving and going into deep, deep water....that's another story. When we went to Maui a few years ago we went snorkeling and even though we were close to the top of the water, I still had a few mini panic attacks. I really want to try to overcome this but I'm not quite sure how.

2. Dying. Now, I know this is inevitable. When I say that this is a fear I mean that I have a fear of dying and missing out on things before it's truly my time. I want to be able to spend as much time with my husband as I can, and watch our children grow up, and maybe one day have children of their own. I don't want to miss anything in any of their lives and I want to be there for my family as long as I possibly can. I know that this is something that I have absolutely no control, and through the years I have seen so many people who were taken at such a young age that had their whole lives ahead of them. I want to get to know my kids as they grow older from toddlers to kids to young adults to adults. And I want them to get to know me for as long as they can. 

3. Small spaces...sometimes. I'm not one of those people who is totally claustrophobic where I can't do some simple things like go in an elevator, but I don't think I would ever want to go crawling through any tiny caves and mines. I would be so afraid of getting stuck and not being able to get out. So I guess you could say that I am selectively claustrophobic? My dad has it really bad. He refuses to go on any airplanes or elevators. It could be 7 flights of stairs and he will still take that over the elevator. I hope I never get to that point because I like travelling too much to avoid airplanes, and unfortunately you can't drive to all the continents ;)

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