Coming up with things that I want proved to be a bit more difficult than I actually thought. I really have more things than I truly need and I feel a bit selfish when I think that I might possibly need more stuff. But I suppose there is always something that we want that we think could help to improve our lives. So here we go!
1. A house. Now, to be realistic, the house shown is definitely not what our first place is going to look like. Because we are going to be buying a duplex, I highly doubt it will look like this place. But one day I have high hopes of owning a beautiful house! All in due time =)
2. Pots and pans set. Ours have been getting worn down over the years so I definitely think it's time to replace them. Because we are still in a rental property that doesn't have the nicest stove (aka stuff burns easily) I am going to wait until we buy a place to actually invest our money into a good set. So for now I am on the lookout for a decent set that isn't terribly expensive.
3. Kitchenaid mixer. Because what woman really doesn't want one of these things? I'm not an expert chef by any means, but I think I could whip up some pretty fun stuff with one of these bad boys.
4. Plane tickets. Taking a vacation before baby #2 joins us sounds like a swell idea, but we will have to wait and see. We have gone a few different places already this year (San Diego, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc...) so even if a vacation doesn't happen in the near future I won't be too heartbroken. But a "babymoon" before Ben joins our family would be a nice little surprise.
5. Uggs. A pregnant woman's best friend. It is so much nicer to just have to slip on a pair of comfy boots than have to bend over and actually tie shoes. I already have a pair of black uggs that have lasted for quite some time. But because the insides are pretty worn, I want to get another pair to replace them.
What is on your wishlist this year? =)
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kitchen aid mixers are pretty awesome. I got one for my birthday two years ago and i absolutely love it. believe it or not, i use it to make pizza dough more than anything else!