1. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is... by singing loud for all to hear =) And by trying to do good things for other people, especially those who least expect it.
2. The holiday season is... always super busy yet exciting at the same time. I feel like it will get even more fun as the kids get older and can enjoy it more and more.
3. When it comes to holiday decorating... I love to do it, but I think I will love it more when we own our own place. Decorating a rental doesn't seem the same as decorating a "home" so hopefully that will happen by the holidays next year ;)
4. The thing I look forward to most about the holidays is... the delicious food, spending time with my wonderful little family, and getting to see our baby boy at our next ultrasound on Christmas Eve.
5. My favorite holiday tradition is... waking up in the morning and the excitement of seeing what Santa brought. I used to love running out of my bedroom to see what goodies I got, and now I get the chance to watch my daughter (and son next year) do the same thing.
6. This year my Christmas plans include... the yearly tradition of going to my moms house for brunch, and also doing something with the husband's side of the family.
7. My favorite holiday food is... a bagel and lox. In case you don't know what lox are, its basically thinly sliced salmon that you can put on a bagel with other things like cream cheese. As a child, Christmas brunch was the one time a year when that would be included in the meal. It's definitely not for everyone but I have always loved it.
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