
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Show and Tell "Monday" - Being a SAHM

1. Tell us what you studied in college. Is your job now related to what you studied?
After graduating high school I chose not to go to college right of the things I truly regret. If I had gone and actually stuck with it, I would be a lot further than I am right now. But I guess better late than never, right? So after getting married and helping my husband run his business, I decided that I needed to find something to do for me so I started going to school to get my Paralegal Degree. I finished with my AA in Paralegal Studies, and I'm hoping that at some point I can go further with that. As of right now, my degree is essentially useless. I am not working in the field because unfortunately the cons outweigh the pros of it. A starting paralegal does not make much money and they typically do not get health benefits, so at this point it is just cheaper for me to stay at home with my munchkin. This has resulted in my job being a stay at home mom =)

2. Tell us what your everyday job looks like.
As any mom knows, every single day is something different. Toddlers moods change fast and they learn something new all the time. So I spend most of the time trying to keep up with my daughter, while also trying to make sure that we have food to eat and that our home isn't a complete pigsty. I have heard people say that being a SAHM is easy and that it isn't considered a job...I beg to differ. You are dedicating yourself 24/7 to another human being, and trying to make sure that they will grow up happy and safe into a smart and well rounded adult. You don't get sick days, there are quite a few nasty moments, and you usually do not get the credit you deserve. But even with all of those things, I am truly blessed to be able to stay home and raise my daughter myself, and the good moments far outweigh the bad. 

3. Do you have a picture of you at work? Show us.
One of the benefits of being with my daughter 24/7 is that it gives us lots of quality camera time. 90% of the time she loves the camera so I try to take advantage of that as much as I possibly can.

4. In 10 years, what do you see yourself doing? Same thing? More? Tell us.

My life as a mom is something that will never change. By the time 10 years rolls around, the kids will be in school so I will hopefully have a career at that point. If it's in the paralegal field that would be great, so I would actually be able to use what I learned in school. But if it's for something different then that works too. All in all the main thing that matters is that my kids are taken care of, and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

5. Tell us what you have learned, and what {if any} recommendations you may have for those looking to go into the field you are in. 
What haven't I learned? I have learned what it truly means to love another human being absolutely unconditionally (besides my husband of course.) You don't realize how much you can possibly care about another human being until you have a child, because they are such a big part of you forever. It is probably the most rewarding thing I have ever done, and probably ever will do. It has made me how realize how grateful I am for the life that I live, and how lucky I really am for everything that I have. It has made me want to be the best person that I possibly can be, knowing that my little mini me is always watching and looking up to me to follow my example. 

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