
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dreaming of home decor

I'm pretty sure that Pinterest will be the end of me considering how much time I spend on there. Even though we haven't bought our first place yet, I am always on the look out for wonderful and exciting things that I might possibly want once we get our first place. Ours is going to be a little different than most people's first homes because instead of buying a single family home we are looking at either buying a duplex or a triplex. Since i'm married to the most amazing contractor we are going to be able to fix up everything for pretty inexpensive (as long as there are no plumbing problems) and we will end up paying far less on our mortgage every month. Sounds awesome, right? We are hoping that this actually happens by the end of next year once our debt is down and our savings is up! So in the meantime, I spend most of my days on Pinterest drooling over all the different things that I might want. Here are a few of the things that I love today.

Love this hidden pantry.
Where it's pinned

Who doesn't dream of an amazing pantry like this one? Especially one that is so hidden that it won't be an eyesore for when guests come over.

storage. storage. storage. storage.

Where it's pinned

Another perk of having a contractor as a husband is that he can easily build me this. I love the extra storage inside of this bench.

stacking washer and dryer. with sink and cabinets
Where it's pinned

This is another favorite of mine because it's in a small space, which is probably what we are going to be dealing with by owning a duplex. The stack-able set is more space efficient and I love the cabinet space on top and next to it.
So glad I have a husband who can build this =)

Where it's pinned

Another project I will have the husband do. You can never have too many bookshelves. Especially ones that are as pretty as this.
oh fun!

Where it's pinned

Now let's just be honest, this is pretty darn awesome. And who doesn't love creative wine storage?

What would you like in your dream home?

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