
Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm such a slacker

I have been absolutely terrible at updating lately, especially with the outfit posts which was one of the main reasons I wanted to do this blog. Now this the semester from hell at school is finally over, I feel like I can finally concentrate on doing more things for me, this blog being one of those things.

I had my graduation a week and a half ago and I'm so excited to have completed another goal of mine. My parents, my sister with my niece and nephew, and some of my in laws were able to attend the ceremony which I was happy about considering it was kind of a strange time to have it (it was on a Thursday at 2:00 in the afternoon which made it difficult for people to get off of work early.) Overall the weather was gorgeous and I'm  glad that I got to be a part of it. I'm still working on figuring out the whole transferring situation but for now I am just going to take things one day at a time. 

(Clearly I need to tan my legs)

(Love this little girl with all my heart)

(My mother in law, husband, baby girl and myself)

(My two biggest fans and my greatest support system)

(My sister in laws, husband, baby girl and myself again)

I'm so excited to move on to the next chapter in my life, once I completely figure out what it is. 

On another note, we will be leaving in just 17 days to visit some of my family in Chicago! I'm super excited because I have had a bad case of wanderlust lately and this should help fix that. One thing that I would have changed about my childhood was how much I actually traveled. Every summer my parents would take me and my sisters to spend a week in sunny Santa Cruz, and while I loved this trip every year I do wish that we had gone to new and different places. I have every intention of taking my daughter (and future children) to as many places that we can possibly go because I feel like it is one of the most important things you can do in life. 

Now, I have never been on a plane with a toddler before and I have definitely heard my fair share of horror stories. Both of our flights are nonstop each way so I'm hoping that she will do okay and wont have a crazy tantrum to the point where they kick us off the plane or something. I plan on bringing a bunch of toys and will have the iPad loaded with episodes of Caillou and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Other than that I am just hoping for the best. I will definitely have to update once the trip is over on how she did. 

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