
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Today is a beautiful day and there is so many different things that I'm loving today.

I'm loving my new baby nephew!

My best friend in the whole world had my nephew yesterday at 4:26 in the morning. He is absolutely beautiful and i'm so excited for them. Not to mention that now we get to watch our kids grow up together. Let's just hope they get along ;)

I'm loving that in exactly one week I will be in Chicago!

We fly out on the 20th and are staying with my aunt and uncle for a week. Since I have never been there before I am uber excited. So many new adventures! 

I'm loving the beautiful weather that we have been having lately. 

Warm Weather (beach)

Now if I only had the beach right outside of my doorstep I would be in complete heaven. One day...

I'm loving all the wonderful printables I have been finding on Pinterest lately.

Cute printable

I have found so many that I either want to print out or buy from Etsy that I'm pretty sure I'm going to be broke. At least my apartment will look cute, right?

And of course....

I'm loving this little girl that I am so lucky to have as my daughter.


  1. New follower

    Super cute post and blog. I look forward to reading more. :)

  2. Ok where is the button to follow you?? :(

    1. Sorry! Totally didn't realize that it wasn't on my page. I fixed it! =) Nice meeting you by the way!

  3. Awww congratulations Aunt! I love printables from etsy...but only the free ones haha!

    1. Thank you! I have printed out so many different ones. I'm trying to be good and avoid buying any haha
